
Products to facilitate bathroom usage for the bedridden


A bedpan or bed pan is a receptacle used by both men and women, and both young and elderly,  for the toileting of a bedridden patient, and is usually made of metal, glass, ceramic, or plastic. Many current bedpans don’t provide much support, and thin edges and thin plastic lead to pressure points and deformation

Types of Bedpans

Bedpans come in a variety of materials, usually either stainless steel or plastic. While stainless steel bedpans are easier to clean and more durable, they can be harder, colder, and more uncomfortable.

There are also different types of bedpans, including regular bedpans, fracture pans, and bariatric bedpans. Fracture bedpans are smaller and typically used for patients who cannot be rolled due to a hip injury. Bariatric bedpans are larger for patients that may require more surface area. Many bedpans emphasize stackability over usability for cost-saving purposes. 

Bedpan Usage

Bedpans are fairly straightforward to use.

Bedpans are slid under the patient, by lifting the patient slightly or turning them to the side if necessary. After ensuring that the bedpan is positioned correctly, the patient is carefully placed on the bedpan. The patient is then given privacy to use the restroom. If necessary, help the patient with wiping once they are finished. Last, remove the bedpan, emptying the contents in the toilet, and cleaning or disposing of the bedpan as necessary.

Bedpans may require additional cleanup, because they spill frequently. Because of this issue, we invented a better bedpan, the Bedderpan.